Describe one research study which has investigated schema theory. (20 minutes)

There is one really great answer for this!?!  Anyone know it?  Be sure to explain the research study and how it investigates schema theory.
C Duvall
4/20/2012 10:57:51 am

Schema Theory: idea that we create mental models/representations about a person, object, event, etc.
Research Study relating to Schema Theory: Bartlett

Bartlett's "War of Ghost" Native American story - participants with Western culture background had more difficulties with the 'serial reproduction'. Some difficulties were shortening the story, rationalizing it to make it make more sense/fit into Western culture, leaving parts out, and changing the order of some things... Bartlett accounted these difficulties/errors as the product of participants schema on memory. (Those with Native background, thus story related to schema were able to memorize story better than those with conflicting/Western schema).

Mrs. Brown
4/20/2012 11:27:21 pm

Perfect!! That is the one I was thinking of. Make sure you also note the importance that regardless of the changes - each person still had a coherent story. This is important because it emphasizes how people not only rely on their schemas but do so in a complete way. Very Nice, Ms. Duvall!


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